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* I have a credit card. In this case what do you charge?

You just need to send us the link to the product and we will give you an estimate of the price and

delay of delivery.

Once you agree with our price and delay, we’ll make the order for you, no credit card required from you.

You will pay us upon delivery with a wire transfer or in cash, in local currency.

* Am I going to pay the price of the product and the shipping or you only charge the shipping?

We take care of everything. We make the order for you and you will pay us the total amount upon delivery with a wire transfer or in cash, in local currency.

* If I want multiple products from different websites do I have to send one link each time with the form? Also, Do you have a mobile


You can send multiple links with the same form.

Yes we do and its available on Play Store. (We only have android version for now).

* Some of the items have a shipping fee that seems to be high. Why is that?

When your order items from websites that are outside Europe the sipping fee can be a bit higher. The reason is that the item will be taxed when entering the EU. 
We strongly recommend to order from websites based in EU ( for example) in order to reduce the shipping cost.

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